Vali Gallery
On the Vali Gallery page, you can see the contact information and address of the gallery and Find out about the current and previous exhibitions at Vali Gallery.
Vali gallery is established in Tehran. In addition of establishing of lots of art fares, it has been hosting of various Performing projects such as multimedia art, Video art, and Installation art since 2018, This Gallery plays important role for Iranian contemporary and modern art. The construction principles of this Gallery are showing of artworks of unique artists, variety of different aspects of art, recognizing of new talents and thriving art economy.
- Visiting Hours
- Sunday-Thursday: 12 - 8 pm
Friday 4 - 8 pm - Closed Days
- Saturdays
- Telephone
- +982188047698
- Website
- valiartgallery.com
- Address
- No.72, Khodami St, Vanak Sq, Tehran
(view on map)