Nian Gallery
On the Nian Gallery page, you can see the contact information and address of the gallery and Find out about the current and previous exhibitions at Nian Gallery.
Nian gallery has started its activities since 2018. Amongst the vitally important issues towards attaining which the efforts will be made, these shall be mentioned: business discipline, providing a great opportunity for young and middle generations, generating and caring about gallery-artist mutual respect, avoiding excessive attention to the market, attending the necessity of trial and error policy regarding artists’ professional path, preparing a ground for content production and making an attempt towards a new way of professional ethics and attitude.
- Visiting Hours
- Sunday – Thursday 2 – 7 pm
Friday 4 – 20 pm - Closed Days
- Saturdays
- Telephone
- +98 02188813976, +98 02188813977
- Website
- nianartgallery.com
- Address
- no.5 Abhari Alley, Varmaz Abadi St. , Toor St. , South of Mofatteh, Tehran
(view on map)